Outdoors Party FREE NZ COVID-19 Plan

After an extensive review of the scientific evidence and reviewing the work of New Zealand experts at Covid Plan B and NZDSOS, the Outdoors Party does not support the current misguided, divisive and highly harmful policies implemented by the NZ Government/Crown Corporation. We support the Protocol for re-opening our society based on Covid Plan B and our health care policy (https://outdoorsparty.co.nz/nz-outdoors-party-policy-on-health-well-being-and-thriving-people/).

It is now very clear that:

  • The RT-PCR Test for COVID-19 is not fit for purpose: Non diagnostic test that cannot prove that you are infected, that any symptoms, if any, you may have are actually caused by the detected genetic material and cannot prove whether you are contagious or not. Courts around the world have found this test unfit for purpose.
  • The failure of the NZ government to implement proper preventative measures is highly negligent: Many well proven measures should be implemented including testing for Vit-D levels and insuring optimal level in the general population, especially the most vulnerable. Other nutrients such as zinc, Vit-C and iodine are also important. Early treatment with proven therapies and medicines can further reduce risk well below seasonal influenza.
  • Masks mandates do not work: Masks mandates have been proven ineffective and can potentially cause further health problems. In a recent outbreak of COVID-19 infection in Israel, 89% of infected people had been injected twice with the Pfizer Comirnaty and several transmissions occurred between individuals wearing face masks. In addition the couple of non-vaccinated individuals that got infected fared much better than most of the vaccinated individuals. They only had a mild case of the infection and recovered well compared with some of the vaccinated who became critical with 5 of them dying.
  • Undisclosed specific and significant COVID‐19 risk of Antibody Disease Enhancement (ADE): The specific and significant COVID‐19 risk of ADE should have been and should be prominently and independently disclosed to research subjects currently in vaccine trials, as well as those being recruited for the trials and future patients after vaccine approval, in order to meet the medical ethics standard of patient comprehension for informed consent.
  • Vaccinated individuals can harbour a very high viral load and be a vector of transmission: Due to their limited protection, vaccinated individuals are associated with high viral loads, prolonged PCR positivity and low levels of vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies. They can then efficiently transmit the infection and act as a vector for transmission and for mutation of the virus. Another consideration is vaccinated individuals may wrongly consider themselves ‘protected’ and ‘non-infectious’ and continue to work/mingle when they should be at home. Vaccination can create a situation of misdiagnosis “It can’t be covid, you’ve been vaccinated” causing a slow medical response to what may be a serious medical event.
  • Natural Immunity to COVID ‘Equal’ or ‘Superior’ to Vaccine Immunity: The Brownstone Institute previously documented 30 studies on natural immunity as it relates to COVID-19. This follow-up chart is the most updated and comprehensive library list of 81 of the highest-quality, complete, most robust scientific studies and evidence reports/position statements on natural immunity as compared to the COVID-19 vaccine-induced immunity. The Outdoors Party considers the best outcome that individuals enjoy robust, broad based and lasting natural immunity with a minimum of individuals suffering severe symptoms. We believe that is possible to achieve as many health professionals here and overseas discover and share effective protocols to reduce severe symptoms and improve and enhance overall health.

Protocol for re-opening our country


This Govt uses constant fear mongering and propaganda to terrify the population of a novel virus. The Outdoors Party provides an alternative to the New Zealand’s government elimination strategy to one of ‘living without fear’ through understanding of how to deal effectively with all infectious illness so we are not held hostage by fear. Infectious illness is the lowest cause of death in this country so for everyone to be made to be terrified of covid-19 infection is bad science and bad policy. The daily briefing regarding PCR positive ‘cases’ is fantasy as a positive case does not represent a sick or infectious individual. We urgently need to reassess the New Zealand’s government elimination strategy of SARS-COV2 and whether it makes sense.

Our revised strategy takes into account:

  • The infection is far less threatening than originally forecast by local and authorities, when they proposed lockdowns and other restrictions. Data from the WHO, CDC and other peer-reviewed studies show the median infection fatality ratio (IFR) is ~0.23%, not the projected 3.6%. Asymptomatic individuals do not spread the infection, removing the key idea underpinning lockdowns. Long-term health effects (“long covid”) have not proven any different to or more prevalent that those experienced in the recovery period from existing circulating pathogens.
  • Very serious questions still remain about the accuracy of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test used to diagnose ‘covid-19 cases’. The virus remains yet to be isolated, the sequence of the virus was generated in silico (stitched together from computer databases) and many people who test positive are asymptomatic. In addition, the clinical symptoms associated with covid-19 are not unique.
  • It is clear that the average age of death with covid-19 is about the same as our life expectancy (~82 years). Older people are much more likely to die ‘with COVID-19’ than younger ones.
  • Very rapid development of vaccines and dissemination of these in this country. The vaccines show some evidence of reducing PCR positive cases, but not of prolonging overall survival or reducing transmission. In many countries now with highly vaccinated populations, there are increasing numbers of breakthrough cases. It is now obvious that vaccines will not stop the spread of the condition long term. In addition, clear evidence shows a major increase in post-vaccination deaths and serious injuries.
  • Early treatment protocols are showing great promise in the early treatment of cases otherwise destined to be hospitalised.
  • The high death rate overseas, particularly the USA, was due to medical misadventure – the lack of proper and prompt treatment for respiratory infections, the overuse of intubation technique and use of certain medications such as Remdesiver (https://principia-scientific.com/doctor-reveals-remdesivir-is-real-cause-of-covid-19-maladies/) that cause kidney failure and pulmonary oedema and organ failure. It now appears that may have been deliberate and is therefore not medical misadventure but outright murder. New Zealand hospitals did not follow USA hospital protocols hence our death rate from respiratory infection remained normal.

Elimination strategy is a dead-end

New Zealand is the only country in the world now continuing to attempt to eliminate cases. Many countries that were attempting to eliminate covid-19 have now given up, such as Singapore, UK and Australia. It is a dead-end strategy which will leave us isolated. Even if elimination is possible and the reward warrants the financial and social cost, cases will still exist throughout the rest of the world – endemic for the foreseeable future. To keep it out, we will need to retain covid-19 border testing indefinitely. Similarly, lockdowns and tracing and testing have no time limit.

We propose an approach that carefully manages our entry back into a world where covid-19, in fact any novel infectious agent, exists without causing unacceptable harm.

Guiding Principles

The risks of mortality following covid-19 infection have been grossly exaggerated. As observed in other pandemics, a high degree of ascertainment bias has occurred that has further exaggerated the importance of this condition in the minds of scientists, decision makers and politicians. This has led to an over prioritisation of the illness above many other health issues. In turn, this exaggerated threat has led to mortality and morbidity from other diseases due to the imposition of lockdowns and disruption of usual medical care.

The economic effects of lockdowns and border closures, leading to unemployment and poverty will lead to further health deterioration that is out of proportion to the threat of covid-19. Consistent evidence also highlights that lockdowns do not limit the spread of infection.

Now, it is important to note that hospital treatment for covid-19 patients overseas has improved considerably during the course of the pandemic and that hospital mortality has declined. Potential treatments available to reduce morbidity and mortality include the use of both the micronutrient vitamin D and anti-parasitic and anti-viral drug ivermectin. It is also clear that metabolic disease is an important contributor to death with covid-19, and it also raises risk of death from other diseases. Addressing dietary risks related to metabolic disease is also worthwhile to reduce potential harm from covid-19, such as reducing sugar intake.

These guidelines were inspired from those produced by the group who published pandata.org.

The Plan

Brief guide

  • Offer enhanced immune protection and treatment for covid-19 to all kiwis.
  • End mass testing, contact tracing, quarantine and lockdowns.
  • The medical interventions used locally and world-wide should be assessed to discover those with the best health outcomes and least harm, and those therapies offered both in communities and in hospitals. Treatments should always be voluntary and with informed consent and transparency of both efficacy and safety data.
  • Allow importation of currently banned antibody testing to assess the percentage of population that is already immune.
  • Those who want testing such as health workers will be offered the safer saliva test instead of the somewhat invasive naso—pharyngeal swab.

Health Care Recommendations

  1. Effort should be given to protecting those who are at high risk of fatality, which are individuals aged greater than seventy-five years, particularly those living in supported residential care, and those with metabolic health conditions, such as diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease. Measures to protect everyone will include testing vitamin and mineral levels and making the correct supplements are available at low cost to ensure optimal immune function.
    A- Minimise immune lowering medications and substitute out those that affect the ACE2 inhibitors.
    B- Provide outdoor areas for socialisation of rest home residents where transmission of any type of infection is likely to be lower.
    C- Enforce exclusion of workers or visitors to rest homes with any respiratory symptoms.
    D- Encourage supplementation of Vitamin D (preferably in a natural balanced form such as cod liver oil) and sun exposure for vulnerable people, since trial evidence supports the use of this micronutrient to prevent intensive care admission in hospitalized patients.

E-Stop seasonal flu vaccination as it has been shown to increase risk of later severe respiratory infection in overseas populations.

2. End PCR testing. The test has little value to the population as a whole – correct treatment of any infection depends on accurate diagnosis. There are multiple causes of respiratory infection so medical professions should be using their diagnostic skills to evaluate the correct diagnostic procedure based on symptoms, not the single parameter cause, politicised and global ‘one size fits all’ diagnostic test being enforced.

3. Increase capacity in hospitals and intensive care units to cope with seasonal demands of respiratory illnesses, including covid-19. As stated, early treatment on diagnosis promises to reduce admissions. Using world best practise, create an effective early treatment protocol for all infectious respiratory illness and support treatment in the community to reduce admission to hospital. Routine use of vitamin D and ivermectin in the treatment of hospitalised covid-19 infection.

4. The Outdoors Party would develop and make available a COVID home treatment kit – low cost therapeutics incorporating proven remedies useful to each stage of a Covid infection, the key being to be ready, treat early, by having the kit in your home. It would incorporate a “healthy living” guide that would include to target known and accepted key risk factors such as diet and exercise. Early Covid-19 treatment guidelines: A practical approach to home-based care for healthy families | World Council for Health

5. Cause of death reporting should include only those who fulfil the criteria of being an active covid-19 case temporally related to their death, with no other likely competing cause.

6. Eliminate mask wearing in the community, since evidence does not support their use to prevent infection.

  1. End contact tracing because it’s a waste of resources, has no proven benefit and is an unacceptable invasion of privacy.
  2. Any SARS-COV2 vaccination allowed in NZ should be carefully assessed to be entirely safe and GMO-free, free of cruelty to animals and void of human foetal cell technology use as well as entirely free of toxic chemicals. It must be shown to enhance immunity and not interfere with natural immunity. If such vaccination exists, vaccination must still be voluntary with informed consent of the risks and benefits as more information about their efficacy and side effects come to hand.
  3. The Vaccination program must be halted immediately due to the high rate of death, injury and poor efficacy. Vaccination for children of school age should be withdrawn immediately since they are not at appreciable risk of covid fatality. Dangers of exposure to the current vaccine, particularly to pregnant women, should be made clear and Ministry of Health information updated accordingly.

10. Vaccination passports or any form of discrimination based on vaccination status should be abandoned.

Societal Recommendations

  1. Abandon the use of either regional or national lockdowns to contain viral spread, since they are unnecessary, economically disastrous and ineffective.
  2. Schools, childcare centres and universities should not be subject to restrictions and face-to-face learning should have no restriction since children are at extremely low risk for covid fatality.
  3. End all restrictions on businesses.
  4. Undergo a phased re-introduction of normal travel across the country’s border. At first, a risk-based approach may be undertaken, as shown in the following web app and accompanying paper, which has been published in the New Zealand Medical Journal. This strategy indicates a method for opening the country’s border, based on the estimated prevalence of covid-19 infection in the country of the traveler’s origin. This would enable travelers to come from several countries immediately who have a very low prevalence of covid-19. The country should then aim to end travel restrictions completely, should this initial strategy be successfully enacted. In support of such a stance, the European CDC, for example, has now recommended the dropping of covid-19 testing and quarantine across borders.
  5. End the covid-19 elimination strategy in the country. With cases widespread globally, it is clear that such a strategy is neither sustainable nor beneficial from a perspective which considers both the costs and benefits of such a strategy to the country.  Covid infection is likely to, or may already, become endemic and part of the usual seasonal respiratory illnesses that affect the people of this country every year.


It is obvious that The Crown Corporation/ Government is incapable of appropriate analysis of the science around COVID-19 and have shown themselves to either be highly incompetent or completely corrupt – neither of which is acceptable. Their Covid response has created around $100 billion, with more predicted, new debt which must thrill the banking sector and make NZ financially vulnerable. The pharmaceutical industry has been similarly rewarded with vast profits and undisclosed agreements.

There is nothing to show for that debt – nothing. No improvement in ICU capacity anywhere in NZ. None of that one hundred billion is spent on life-saving preparedness or health enhancing action, such as warm dry homes. There has been no plan, or any earth turned anywhere in this nation, to build capacity for intensive care hospitalisations.

It is obvious to us at the Outdoors Party that the government is not working for the peoples benefit, rather for the good of corporations and other governments. These people do not have the ability to run the country to the betterment of all of us and should stand down and allow competent and trustworthy leaders to take their place.

Thanks to https://whc.maori.nz/ for their extensive COVID strategy research, Outdoors Party Health Spokesperson Tracy Livingston and Outdoors Party Board Member Kerry Goodhew.

Alan Simmons

Alan Simmons

President & Co-Leader Alan has dedicated a lifetime of involvement in outdoors political issues. He’s sat on a number of national body executives, boards, NGO and management groups, including the NZ Professional Hunting Guides Association, Electricorp Environmental Management Board, NZ Federation of Freshwater Anglers and the NZ Professional Fishing Guides Association. Many will know him through his website, the hugely popular New Zealand FishnHunt forum.

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